Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/499

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INDEX. 459 Thankofferings, i. 283, 284. Thapsus, fortifications at, i. 357; walls of, i. 361, 363 ; mole of, i. 408. Tharros, statuettes found at, i. 52, 53. 54 " 21 ; pottery found at, ii. 268 ; necklace from, ii. 336 ; trinkets from, ii. 377, 378. Theopompus on Grecian occupation of Cyprus, ii. 91. Thobois, M., on ruins of Tortosa, i. no; on tombs at Amrit, i. 128, 130, 159, 160; restoration of a throne, i. i32#.; on funeral monuments, i. 154 ; on tabernacles at Amrit, i. 256. Thoth, i. 89. Thothmes, ii. 29, 338; glass bottle, date of, ii. 327 Thrones from Golgos, i. 293. Thugga, mausoleum of, i. 384. Tiara, Persian, ii. 245. Tin, early use of, ii. 413, 414. Tissot, M., on Lixus, i. 347 ; on Carthaginian remains, i. 35i#. ; on rubble vaults in Africa, i. 372 ; anchorage near Utica, i. 395^., 396;*. Titus at Paphos, i. 275. Torso, colossal, from Sarfend, ii. 28, 29. Tortosa, i. no; terra-cotta from, i. 205;*. ; figure of warrior from, ii. 2, 21. Tower of the Algerines, i. no. Trihidez, Abbe, ii. 64^. Tripoli, terra-cotta from, ii. 53. Triumphal procession on metal bowls, .. Tunis, ruins in, i. 371. Turdetani, insurrection of the, i. 43. Tyre, Syrian account of origin of, i. 16 ; early history of, i. 20-22, 25 ; de- scription of the town, i. 21, 380, 382 ; resemblance to St. Malo, i. 21, 22; to Venice, i. 22. ; rulers of, i. 26, 27, 30 ; resisted the Assyrians, i. 28, 39 ; acquired supremacy over Siclon, i. 30 ; possessed no army, i. 42, 43 ; resisted Alexander, i. 55 ; became a commercial city, i. 56 ; god Melkart at, i. 67 ; columns from, i. 131 ; frag- mentary relief from neighbourhood of, i. 137 ; Bible contains truest information about, i. 148 ; destruc- tion of tombs at, i. 170; work of artists from, found in Cyprus, i. 222; temple at, i. 260; artificial grottoes at, i. 271 ; Alexander's siege of, i. 363 J Strabo at, i. 365 ; aqueduct at, i. 367 ; Ezekiel on, i. 25*., 334, 365*., 382, ii. 230*., 396*. ; fortifica- tions at, i. 334, 335; banks at, L 372; houses at, i. 380, 382 ; harbours at, i. 386 ; rock sculpture near, ii. 27 ; endeavoured to retain sovereignty of Cyprus, ii. 93 ; glass works at, ii. 328 ; purple dye used at, ii. 423 ; policy of trade at, ii. 431. Tyskewitch collection of seals, ii. 231, 232. U. UR>EI, in tabernacle at Amrit, i. 127, J 333 2 ; on Cyprian statues, ii. 124, 125; used by Phoenician kings, ii. 2 9, 243. 244- Utica, position of, i. 396 ; fortifications at, i. 399 ; M. Daux on harbour at, i. 401, 402 ; admiral's palace at, i. 401, 402, 406. V. VASES, in Phoenician tombs at Larnaca, i. 215; of Amathus, ii. 290-293; ancient Syrian, ii. 266 ; in Louvre, ii. 276, 277. Venice, precautions in defence of the arsenal in, i. 407. Venus Erycina, i. 70*. ; of Macrobius, ii. 158. Vincent, Captain, report of, i. 372. Virgil, Carthaginian pavement, i. 368/7. Virgin, worship of the, i. 289 ; in Cyprus, ii. 226. Virgo Ccelestis or Juno, i. 325. Vitruvius, i. 258. Vivanel, M., ii. 55. Vogue", M. de, on tomb of Esmoun- azar, i. 166-168; took the Amathus vase for France, i. 290, 291 ; on inscription on ancient seals, ii. 228, 232. Votive inscriptions in Sardinia, i. 319 ; offerings held by statuettes, ii. 191 ; statuettes, ii. 206. Vulci, ostrich eggs from tomb at, ii. 404.