Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/306

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288 Index. Fellah, i. 121. Fish with human arms on cylinder, ii. 248. Flint implements, i. 291. Flowers in the hands of personages, ii. 172. Flute, ii. 115. Forraxi-noi, i. 78, 79, 91, n. i. Fortifications in Palestine, i. 146; Jerusalem, i. 308, 318; Boghaz-Keui, ii. 114, 119, 122; Ghiaour-Kalessi, ii. 203. Fountain of the Virgin (El Rogel), i. 174, n. 4. Frahtin, monument near, ii. 213, «. i, 4. Frog on cylinder, ii. 251. Furniture among the Jews, i. 356-359. Gardens of the kings of Judaea, i. 286, n. I, 2. Gargamish (Carchemish), ii. 60, 61, 212. Gates of the haram, i. 159, n. i, 170, n. 2. 171, n. I, 174, 175 ; Cilician gates or pyles, ii. 95. Genii, bird-headed, ii. 251. Gennargentu, i. 3, ;2. i. Gerhardt, opinion of, upon Sardinian statuettes and nuraghs, i. 8, ?z. i. Gerizim, i. 296-299. Geryon, i. 60. Gherdek Kaiassi, ii. 178, 179. Ghiaour Kale, ii. 202, 203. Giara dei Gestori, i. 40. Gibeon, i. 300. Giblites, i. 178. Gideon, i. 126; sanctuary of, i. 129, 138. Gilboah, i. 127. Gilding about the temple, i. 148. Gladstone, conjecture of, on the KrjTeiot, ii. 176. Glass, not found at Teti, i. 10 1 ; among the Jews, i. 357-359- Globe (winged disc) on a Jewish intaglio, i. 341 ; a stela at Birejik, 62. Goat, heads of, on Hittite cylinder, ii. 248. Golden Gate, i. 176. Gotlob, opinion of, with regard to the Niobe, ii. 238, n. i. Gouin, i. 20, 28, n. i, 57, 58, 87, 89, n. 2. Gracchus (Sempronius), i. 5. Grapes, cluster of, on Jewish flask, i. 359. Greek-fire, 1. 357, fi. 3. Greeks in Sardinia, i. 53. Greville Chester, description by, of clay vessels, i. 351-357. Grooves on stones around nuraghs, i. 43, ^.3; on Moabite stones, i. 294, 295. Gu^rin (Victor), view of, upon Joshua's tomb, i. 272, n. 2, 275. Guilgal, stone circle of, i. 290. Guillaume, works of, in regard to Pterian monuments, ii. 126. Gumuch Maden, ii. 268, n. i. Gwyther, photographs of, ii. 43, n. i. Gyges, ii. 272. H. Halevy, 18, n. I, 2. Halys, course of, ii. 89. Hamath, inscriptions of, ii. 4-7. Hamilcar, i. 6. Hamilton, Travels of, ii. 153, n. i; his blunder at Eyuk, i. 103, n. i. Hammer, long-handled, on Hittite door- way, ii. 57. Hands, raised, i. 79, 80, n. i, 2. Haram-es-Sherif, i. 148. Hare or rabbit, in Hittite writing, ii. 9, 10; clever rendering of the animal form, ii. 10, 11. Harem at Boghaz-Keui, ii. 114. Hathor, head-dress of, in Jewish intaglio, i. 341, «. 3; Eyuk, ii. 160 ; Eflatoun- Bounar, ii. 218. Haynes, photographs of, ii. 48, n, i. Hebrew language, 133. Hebron, ancient wall of, i. 320 ; sacred grove at Mambre, i. 297 ; glass manu- factory, i. 358. Hecal, i. 217. Helbig (W.), ii. 275, n. i. Helmet, Sardinian, i. 13, 15, 66, 79 ; not found among the Hittites, ii. 275. Henderson, at Jerabis, ii. 7. Heracles identified with Sarda-nat-Sirpal at Tarsus, ii. 40, 52. Herod, temple of, i. 180-182. Herodotus, i. 81 ; what he says upon Pterium, ii. 103, n. 2. Heth, a brother of Sidon, i. 256. Heumann, discovery of second Karabel figure, ii. 231, 232, ^. i. Heuzey, study of terra-cottas of Tarsus, ii. 55, n. I. Hezekiah, canal of, i. 322-338. Hierapolis, ii. 7, 8, 272. High places in Palestine, i. 290. Hinnom, Valley of, i. 142, 145. Hiram, King of Tyre, i. 128, 131.