Page:History of Art in Sardinia, Judæa, Syria and Asia Minor Vol 2.djvu/307

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Index. 289 Hiram (Abu), works of, i. 250-263. Hissarlik, Cypriote inscription of, ii. 33- Hittite staff, ii. 129, 135, 136, 145, 161, 162, 168, 280. Hittite writing, general features and de- rivation of, ii. 29-36; traces of it in Pteria,ii. 128, 135, 162, 163, 192,207, 210; engraved stones, ii. 244, 247, 251; the place of its birth, ii. 273, 264; alluded to in Homer, ii. 277. Homs, lake of, ii. 18. Horns, on Sardinian helmets, i. 14, 15; on tiaras, i. 65, 74, 79 ; on altar, i. 304,' 306, 341; on Hittite tiaras (figs. 377, 378) ii. 247 (on a pole, 247); 249, 250, 251. Horse's bit at Teti, i. 88. Horses, of the sun, i. 218; on Hittite stelas, ii. 69; on Hittite writing, ii. II. House of Achaz, i. 196 ; of Lebanon, i. 218, 312-316; modern, in Syria, i. 308, 309. Huber, discoveries of, in Arabia Petrsea, i- 306, 307. Hyrcanus, palace of, i. 182. Israelites, exile of the, i. 114. Ivory among the Jews, i. 265, ;/. i, 2. J- Jebusites, i. 127, 128. Jerabis, ii. 10, n. i. Jerusalem and Athens compared, i. 133 ; advantageous position of, i. 128, 134^ 142; influence of, upon the nation, i. ^33^ 134; destruction of, i. 135 ; sacri- fices only to be offered at Jerusalem, i. 138, 139 ; topography of, i. 142-159 ; population of, i. 134. Jewels among the Hebrews, i. 345, 346. Johnson, impressions of inscribed stones at Hamath by, ii. 4. Joppa, i. 128. Josephus upon the substructures of the temple, i. 175, n. 4 ; stones of temple, i. 165, 178, 179; templeofHerod, i. 179, n. 5, 180, 181; exaggerated language of, i. 182^/., 186, 187; account of dese- cration of David's tomb, i. 288. Joshua, book of, i. 122^. Judah, kingdom of, i. 1 09-1 15. Judges, tomb of, i. 230. Iahveh, cultus of, i. 124, ;/. i. lakin, or Yakin, i. 220, 229; meaning of the word, i. 250, ;?. i, 2. lapyges, i. 49. lasili-Kaia, Hittite hieroglyphs from, ii. 192. Iberians in Sardinia, i. 13, 19. Ibreez, bas-relief of, ii. 210. Ibrim, meaning of, i. 120. Idumaea, or Edom, i. 119, 180. Iglesias, i. 2. Iliouna, i. 17 ; common reading of Iluna, Ilion, ii. 23. Imhoof Blumner, cylinder of, ii. 247. Incineration unknown among the He- brews, i. 285, n. I, 2. Inscription of the Siloam aqueduct, i. 322-338; Hittite on the Meush lion, ii. 59; statue, ii. 58. lol, god, i. 12. lolaens, Iliens, Ilienses, i. 3, 12, 19. Iron, not found at Teti, i. 89 ; in Pales- tine, i. 344, 345. Isgin, ii. 48 n. Ishmaelites, i. 119. Israel, meaning of, i. 113, 114. ;/, 2; kingdom of, i. 130. vol-. II. K. Kad, Ktt8o9, i. 355, 356. Kaphtor, i. 117. Kappatuca, name of Cappadocia on Per- sian monuments, ii. 274, //. i. Karaatlu, Hittite monument at, ii. 227. Karabel, bas-reliefs of, ii. 228-233. Kasim (judge), i. 125. KavvaKrjq, meaning of, ii. 212 (a foreign Asiatic word — " fur cloak "). Kedron, i. 145. Kemos (Chemos), i. 290. Kenites, i. 118. Kerubs, i. 214; etymology of, i. 245, KTJTctoi, meaning of, ii. 176. Khetas, military power of, in the time of Thothmcs, Scti, and Ramses, ii. 117, 118. Khitisar, ii. 23. Kicpcrt, ii. 132, 209. Kokim, or tunnels, i. 283, 284, Kubbctes-Sakhra, i. 153, 188. Kucncn, critical history of, upon the Old Testament, i. 117, 136. KQflcyeh, I 360. Kattoncth (tunic), L 360, 361.