Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/307

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CLERKS AND TREASURERS. 243 Charles II. Bowen, Mark H. Wood, Ebenezer Tiffany, Frederick P. Cliurch, chosen July 6, 1878. " July 6, 1878. " July 6, 1878. '* Jan. I, 1896. Church Clerks. Until the death of Rev. Mr. Townsend, the records of the church had been made by the ministers. The record book kept by Rev. Peleg Heath is now in the possession of Mrs. William Carter, a great granddaughter of Mr. Heath. The records of the church during Mr. Townsend's ministry can- not be found. At his death, 1797, the church chose Edward Bosworth as clerk, who served one year, until Rev. Samuel Watson was installed. Since that date the clerks have been : 1798-1816 1S16-1817 1817-1S21 1823-1826 1S30-1838 1S38-1842 1843-185 1 1S51-1855 1S56-1860 1861-1872 1872-1874 1874-1885 1 885- 1 886 1 886- I 894 Jan. 3, 1894. Now serving. Rev. Samuel Watson Kent Brown Rev. Luther Wright Rev. Francis Wood Ebenezer Tiffany Rev. Benjamin R. Allin Deacon Ebenezer Tiffany Anthonj' Viall Samuel Billings Rev. Francis Horton Thomas W. Bicknell Rev. William House Morris W. House Mark H. Wood Wheaton B. Bowden Treasurers. The first record of the appointment of Treasurer is that of Dea. Ebenezer Tiffany 1S52-1861 Ebenezer Tiffany, Jr 1861-1867 I 867- I 868 1S68-1875 1875-1879 j I 879- I 887 • 1892-1894 18S7-1892 1894-1896 Now serving. Dea. Lewis B. Smith Dea. Benjamin Martin Royal D. Horton Mark H. Wood Frederick P. Chuich Francis Wood . Walter L. Anthony. 1S96.