Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/308

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244: the history of baerington. Sunday School. Superintendents . The Sunday School was established in 1818, but a Cate- chetical Society was formed in 18 17. The Pastor, Rev. Luther Wright, was the first Superintendent, assisted by Deacons Joshua Bicknell and Kent Brown, Anderson Martin, Daniel Short, and Noah Read. They were succeeded by the pastors or the deacons of the church. Since i860 the Superintendents have been elected annually by the church and the school, and have been : Lewis B. Smith. Isaac F. Cady. Thomas W. Bicknell 1866-1875 C 1875-1S83 D. A. Waldron . . - J 1886-1889 1 1890-1894 Rev. Wm. House 1883-1886 Frederick P. Church . . 1889-1890 Dea. Charles H. Bowden . . .... 1894-1896 Frederick P. Church ...... 1896. Now serving