Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/358

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CHAPTER XX BARRINGTON WITH PARTS ADJACENT INCORPORATED AS WARREN First Town Meeting — Names and Qualifications of Freemen — Town Officers of First Election — Deputies and Town Legislation from 1747 to 1770. PURSUANT to the Act of the General Assembly passed January 27th, 1746-7, and the call of Matthew AUin, special Justice, the freemen of the new town met at the house of John Child, February lOth, 1746-7. for organization and election of officers. According to the Act of Incorpora- tion "That part which has heretofore been a part of Swansea and Harrington, with a small part of Rehoboth thereto ad- joining, with the inhabitants thereon, (shall) be incorporated into a township, by the name of Warren." The qualifications of the freeman were declared to be

  • ' Every man, who is possessed of lands or real estate, suf-

ficient by the laws of this Colony, to qualify him for a free- man, and the Eldest sons of all such freeholders." Freemen of Warren, 1747. Matthew Allin, Esq., Samuel Low, Josiah Bowen, Peleg Heath, James Brown, John Cole, Jr., Capt. Samuel Miller, Samuel Miller, Jr., Oliver Salsbury, Ebenezer Allen, Josiah Humphrey, Jr. Joshua Smith, Nathaniel Peck, John Kelly, Benjamin Smith, James Smith, John Child, Richard Thomas, Josiah Humphrey, John Martin, Benjamin Drown, John Adams, Nathaniel Eastabrooke, John Eastabrooke, Jr., Benjamin Miller, Nathaniel Bowen, John Luther, Walter Hail, Samuel Bowen, Philip Short, Joseph Allen, 2d., Israel Peck, James Bowen, Capt. Joseph Allen, Thomas Cole, Jonas Humphrey, Elijah Rawson, Elder Joseph Mason, Benjamin Butterworth,