Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/359

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TOWK DOINGS. 285 Ebenezer Garnsey, Joseph Allen, Jr., John Kinnicutt, Capt. James Mason, William Easta Brooke, John Easta Brooke, Samuel Humphrey, Ebenezer Cole, Benjamin Cole, Nathan Miller, Joseph Butterworth, Caleb Carr, Solomon Peck, Samuel Barns, Ebenezer Adams, Joseph Viall, Daniel Peck, Samuel Allen, Ebenezer Allen, Jr., Capt. Bernerd Hail, Bernerd Hail, Jr., Hooker Low, Caleb Eddy, John Mason, Matthew Watson, Benjamin Barton, Isaac Wheaton, John Wheaton, Edward Luther, John Butterworth, William Salsbury, Edward Bosworth, Constant Viall, Josiah Kent, Ebenezer Martin, Joshua Bicknell, Joshua Bicknell, Jr. Amos Thomas, Ebenezer Luther, William Knowles, Ephraim Tiffany, Joseph Grant. Matthew Allin, the veteran moderator of town meetings in Barrington, was called to preside over the meeting, and John Kinnicutt was elected town clerk. The following named persons were elected to the offices of the town : Deputies to the Gejieral Assembly — Matthew Allin and Samuel Miller. Town Council — Capt, James Mason, i ; Mr. Ebenezer Allen, 2 ; Capt. Bernard Haile, 3 ; Mr. Samuel Low, 4 ; Samuel Bowen, 5 ; Matthew Watson, 6. Town Clerk and Town Treasurer — John Kinnicutt. Town Serjeant — Joseph Allen. Appraisers — John Adams, Josiah Kent, vice Edward Luther, Walter Haile. Constables — Benjamin Smith, Edward Bosworth, Sni'veyors of Higlnvays — Joshua Bicknell, Jr., Oliver Salisbury, Benjamin Drown. Assessors — Josiah Humphrey, Edward Luther, John Kin- nicutt. Tozuns Attorney — Capt. Joseph Mason. Packer and Culler of Staves — William Knowles. Fetice Viewers — Josiah Humphrey, William Easterbrooks. Hog Reeves — Ebenezer Cole, Benjamin Butterworth, Joshua Bicknell, Jr., Benjamin Drown, Surveyor of Higlnvays — Benjamin Drown.