Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/375

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AGREEMEIJ^T AND PETITION. 290 Neck to Contain Almost one Quarter as many as the Other Neck Does, Therefore we Propose the following Proportion viz : That the April Meeting be forever Held at the Meet- ing House on Pheebes Neck being Near the Senter of sd Town for Convenence of boath sides and the other town Meetings to be Held one Quarter on New Meddow Neck and three Quarters on Phebeys Neck ; & the town councils in the like Propotion at the most Convenient Places on said Necks as the town Council Shall think fit, New meddow Neck to have one Quarter of the Town Offices at thair De- posal or Nomination to be divided In the following manner viz, two Councillmen and one assessor of rates and such other town officers as shall be Needful on sd Neck, And Phebeys Neck to have four councillmen and the town Clarke, Town Treasurer & town Sargent and two Assessors of Rates and Such other town officers as shall be Needfull on that side of the River And So in the Same proportion to Enjoy all the Rites & Privileges of sd town as they at Pres- ant Enjoy And in Case thay on the East Side of the River will be Content to Remain undivided as thay now are this Agreement Remain in full Forse and Binding forever." A month later the following petition was presented to the General Assembly, at its session at Newport, referred to the next session, and notice served on the town of Barrington : "To the Hon^'® General Assembly of the Colony of Rhode Island to Sit in Newport. "In and for the County of Newport on the first Wednes- day in May, A. D. 1771. " The Petition of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of New- meadow Neck which was formerly Part of Warren, but lately taken into Barrington, Humbly Sheweth That Whereas your Petitioners Labour under many & Great Inconvences in Transacting the Prudential Affairs of the Town, By Reason of a River which Divides us from Phebes Neck which River must be Passed to Transact all Publick Business of the Town, and it is with the Greatest Difficulty the Said River is Passed, As there is no Ferry, and at the Best Place to Pass