Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/455

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WAR LEGISLATION. 363 April II, 1777. "Received of Lieut. Nathl. Heath, who was appointed as a Committee man by the Town of Barrington for that pur- pose, twenty one pound and A quarter of Muskit Balls & one hundred and forty four flints." July 13, 1780. "To Cash paid Abiel Grant sum of Fiftey hard Dollars as a bountey for six months." " To Cash paid John Barnes the sum of Fiftey hard Dol- lars as a bountey." July 14, 1780. "To Cash paid Benjamin Allen the sum of fiftey hard Dollars as a bountey." "To Cash paid Enoch Jones the sum of Fiftey hard Dol- lars as a bountey." July 17, 1780. "To Cash paid Joseph Allen Solger J[,2, o. o." "To Cash paid Joseph Viall Allen Solger ;^22, o. o." December 2, 1780. "To Cash paid Hannah Smith as a bountey for her negro man Pomp pr his resait £,11 (Town Treasurer's book No. i, pp. i and 19.) August 28, 1775. "It was voted in town meeting that Lieut. Viall Allen Draw a Sufficient Quantity of Powder out of the Town Treasrs Hands to make Cartridges for the Inhabitants of Barrington." "Voted — That each Inhabitant of the Town may Draw Twelve Cartridges out of the Town Stock and keep the same Safly untill there is a Necessary Occasion for Using the Same against our Common enemy, under the Penalty of One Shilling for each Cartridge Wasted or Mising when De- manded by Military Authority the same to be paid by the