Page:History of Barrington, Rhode Island (Bicknell).djvu/456

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364 THE HISTORY OF HARRINGTON. Delinquent to the Town Treasr to Purchase more Powder to Deposit in the Town Treasrs Hands for the Use of the Town each person giving his Receipt for the Cartridges drawn as aforesd, and to pay the same Used as aforesd in Due equality Drawing as aforesd find their own Ball and Gary the Same to sd Lieut. Allen that the Cartridges may be well fitted to the firelock and that the Treasr Deliver the Same Powder when Demanded by Lieut. Allen." February 12, 1776. " The General Assembly of this Colony having Orderd an Artillery Company in the Exposed Towns in this Colony un- der the Command of a Capt. & Lieut, to be Chosen by such Town, Saml Bosworth was Chosen Capt. and Nathl Heath Lieut, of the Company of Artillery to be raised in Baring- ton." April 28, 1777. "Moses Tyler, Samuel Allen, Peleg Heath, John Short are appointed a committee to raise eight men for the Continental Battalion." May 12, 1777. "Major Peleg Heath is appointed to have the care of the Town's Magazine and to supply the Militia and Alarm with Cartridges." May 19, 1777. "Voted that Simon Smith be allowed 150 dollars to accept of the office of Ensign in the Continental Service." Besides Over and above the above said Bounty, the fol- lowing Sums was given by Individuals to Encourage them to Lilist on whose account they were Inlisted and Returned as well as Certificated and Sworn to agreeable to the Laws of Congress and this State. Paid to Sergt. Enoch Jones by Samll Bosworth & E. Tiffany £iS o Paid to Jonathan Andrews by Nud. Adams and Wm. Kelley . . . . . . 16 o