Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/1091

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OPINIONS, 1 RAMAYANI KATHA—( Sketches from the Ramayana.) Sister Nivedita ( Miss Noble) says :— ‘Your Ramayani Katha has been most helpful and inspir- ing to all of us who heard them read together sometime ago. We liked them very much indeed. I have a very special appreciation of your literary enthusiasm for the Bengali Language used for the Indian classics. You are doing a much greater and more enduring work than you now realise,’’ Kumar Sarat Kumar Roy M.A. of Dighapatia says :— “Your Ramayani Katha is another monumental work which will raise you high in the estimation of the public— at the same time benefiting the domestic life of Bengal to an appreciable degree.” Mr. Krishna Kantha Malaviya of Allahabad who 1s tran- slating the book in Hindi says :— “To me the Ramayani Katha possesses the world’s literature in itself. I have requested many friends of mine to acquire Bengali only for the sake of reading the Ramayani Katha.”

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