Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/129

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follows the model of English that appears strange and unintelligible to them.

The Bengali works, to which I have referred in this chapter, mainly form what may be called a rustic literature. They were in many cases recast and revised in subsequent times, Though recast, the works often retain earlier forms.but as I have already said there are many evidences indicative of the early period to which their composition is to be referred. There are quaint terms and expressions which have not only grown obsolete but are in many cases unintelligible to us. The literature of the period shews that our language was as remote from classical Sanskrit in those days, as it is akin to it now. Examples.I quote several passages here from the works mentioned in this chapter which will illustrate these facts.

"শুখান কাঠে বটে কাউ।
ভান্তি দাপুনি দেখে লাউ॥
যোগী আদ্য ছু ছু কলসী।
তা দেখিলে ঘর না আসি॥
যে লাগে শেষি লাগে।
যে না লাগে শেষি লাগে॥
সাতে হাতে তিন বিগথে।
তাহার কান্দি ধরে মাথে॥
আউট হাত আউট মুঠি।
তাহার ধান্য না লড়ে ঢেকী॥"


সুনার কাস্তাখানি গঠিআ জুগাল।
সাত নারিকাল জলে দাখানি পানিতলে॥
মরা মিন পুনরাম্র পরাণ দান পাইল।