Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/139

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II. ] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. Ioo শ্ৰীপতি শ্ৰীনিধি পণ্ডিত্যাদি বাসা ঘরে । করিলেন নিযুক্ত, শ্ৰীবাস আচার্যোরে | আকাই হাটের কৃষ্ণদাসাদি বাসায় । হইলা নিযুক্ত শ্ৰীবল্লভী কান্ত রায় | The genitive sign K. being affixed to পণ্ডিত্যাদি, The genitive af-3 Gift forms ify if 3, (frg stfix, and the ions. current genitive forms of:5Ç73, Tsfa TFSI Ç73 are thus easily explained. The pleonastic affix -i is often found to be joined with পণ্ডিত্যাদি, কবিরাজাদি &c. In the Narottama Vilasa. We find * রাম চন্দ্রাদিক যৈছ গোলা বৃন্দাবনে । কবিরাজ খ্যাতি তার হইল যেমনে ৷” This friq is changed to fit 5i and we may thus account for for 3 and frt (53-formed by joining the genitive affix 3 to the above Words. Some Bengali scholars are, however, of Opinion that the genitive plural f(53' comes directly from the Persian “দিগর', The current Bengali form in Eastern Bengal in the genitive plural is, however, formed not by affixing ft (57: but by (57 or (, it is to the words. The forms অামাগোর, তোমাগোর, তানগোর, রামগোর, are no doubt derived by the genitive post-position 3 being affixed to the pleonastic '3' changed to 5. There can scarcely be said to be any particular The instru mental affix in Bengali to denote the instrumental case. CaSe The Sanskrit Tf ÇIFITT changes to Ti NE. I have said that the Bengali active forms were akin to the Sanskrit passive voice. The sentences 3: C7 ”si Fitzri ( ' '3 G3, fast Cz, still in current use in different parts of Bengal, shew how the construction of the Sanskrit passive changes into Bengali active forms.