Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/180

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The reaction- ary move- ment CHAPTER IV.


THE POURANIK RENAISSANCE, 1. The Leading characteristics of the Renaissance. Faith in God and in the Brahmin. 2. Vernacular recensions of Sanskrit works. General remarks, (a) The Ramayana. (b) The Mahabharata. (c) The Bhagabata. (d) The Chandi of Markandeya. 3. The conception of Civa in the Renaissance and songs in honour of him. 4. The (Gakti-cult and its development in Bengal. Poems in honour of (a) Manasa Devi. (b) Chandi Devi. (c) Ganga Devi. (৫. Gitala Devi. (e) Laksmi Devi, Saraswati Devi and Sasthi Devi. 5. Dharma Mangal poems recast by the Brahmins. 6. Poemsin honour of Daksina Rai (God of tigers). Some remarks about the poems. 1. The leading characteristics of the Renaissance. Faith in God and in the Brahmin. | have tried to shew that the revival of Hinduism, which had reached full development amongst the vernacular-reading classes in Bengal by the 15th century, was effective in bringing society back into discipline and order, thus counteracting those vices of free-thinking and gross Tantrikism to which it