Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/202

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172 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. } ever saw him moved by the vicissitudes of life or by passion. He was handsome in appearance. His scholarship in religious literature was as_ great as that of Markandeya or of Vyas.” Other Murari Ojha’s son Vanamali was the father of particulars. our poet. In his autobiographical sketch Krittivasa gives details about the position held by his uncles and cousins, together with a description of their personai qualifications which we omit. When Krittivasa entered his eleventh year he went to read in a Téla on the banks of the Bara Ganga.* There he read Sanskrit, Grammar and poetry, for many years. When he completed his education, he waited on the King of Gauda with a view to obtain He com- pletes edu- cationand posed five elegant verses in Sanskrit, praying visits the : : : : : Emperorof for an interview with the king and had sent this Gauda, some recognition of his scholarship.t He had com- through one of the officers of the royal guards. At about 7 o’clock in the morning, the guard came back carrying with him a_ golden staff. He approached Krittivasa and informed him that his prayer was granted and that he was ordered to lead him to the Emperor. Krittivasa followed the officer through nine successive gates, and came to the presence of the king, who sat on a throne, lion- like in his majesty. On his right sat the minister The river Padma. 1 বাজপঞ্ডিত হব মনে আশা করে। পঞ্চ শ্লোক ভেটিলাম রাজ! গোৌড়েশবরে ॥ দ্বারী হস্তে শ্লোক দিয়। রাজাকে জানালাম। রাজাঙ্ঞা অপেক্ষা করি দ্বারেতে রহিলাম ॥