Chandi Mangala—His life and a review of his works—The intense reality of his poetry, 336—359.—Poems of the Chandi-cult written by later poets—Bhavāni Çankara—Jaya Nārāyaṅa and Çivā Charaṅa Sen, 359-363.
Poems on Ganga Devi—Poems on Citala Devi—Traces of Buddhistic influence and of Hindu Renaissance—Poems on Laksmi Devi—and Sasthi 363-370.
V. Dharma Mangala poems recast by the Brahmin authors—Mayura Bhatta—Mānik Gānguly—Ghanarāma—Sahadeva Chakravarty—The reasons for placing them under Paurānik revival 371-377.
IV. Poems in honour of Daksina Roy, 377-378.—Some remarks about the poems. Poems in honour of the Sun, 378-380.
Supplementary notes to Chapter IV. 381-398.
Mixture of Arabic and Persian words in Bengali—Conservativeness of the Hindu writers and Sanskritisation of Bengali—Correction of Orthography, 381-385.—The five Gauḍas—Their affinity in language—Agreement in habits and costumes—Often under one suzerain power—Pancha Gauḍeçwara, 385-390.—The dialects of Eastern and Western Bengal—Sanskritic and non-sanskritic names, 390-392.—A list of obsolete words with their meanings—The origin of 'Babu'—The case-endings—The plural forms—Navigation and trade.— Old Bengali literature treated with neglect, 393-398.
The Literature of the Vaisnavas. 398-565.