Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/256

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224 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap Stuarts: After Maladhar Vasu came a host of Bengali পন of recensionists of the Bhagavata. They generally | Bhagavata, restricted themselves to the tenth canto of the —

| i work. I give a brief notice of these authors and their works below :— 2. Crikrisna Mangala by Madhavacharyya. This work was dedicated to Chaitanya Deva. The author was a pupil of the Tola founded by Chaitanya and was related to him. This work was written early in the 16th century. 3- Crikrisha Mangala by Nandaram Das. 4. Grikrisha Vijaya by Krisna Das, a brother of Kaciram Das. Krisna Das was decorated with the title of Krisna Kinkar, on his writing this work. 5. Gopal Vijaya by Kavivallabha. 6. Govinda Mangal by Cankara Kavichandra. 7. Gokul Mangal by Bhaktar@ma. 8. Krishna Mangal by Dwija Laksminath. All the above-named works are voluminous in size, and were written more than three hundred years ago. Govinda Mangala by Qankara Kavi- chandra was the most popular of all of these. We have already referred to the other works of Cankara Kavichandra. Of other writers who translated por- tions, I name some below. 9. Bhagavata by Nandaram Ghose. 10. Do. by Aditya Rama. 11. Do. by Abhirama Das. 12. Do. by Dwija Banikantha. 13. Do. by Damodar Das. 14. Do. by Kavi Cekhara. 15. Do. by Yadunandana. 16, Do. by Jaggachandra,