Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/259

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“IV. BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 225 Here is a list. of translators of episodes from the Bhagavata. 17. 13. 10. 40. Hansadita by Narasimha Das. Do. by Madhava Gunakara. Do. by Krisna Chandra. Prahlad Charitra by Dwija Kamsari. Do. by Sitaram Das. Uddhava Samvada by Madhaya. Do. by Ram Sarkar. Do. by Ramtanu. Dhruva Charitra by Paracurama. Do. by Dwija Jayananda. Sudama Charitra by Jivana Chakravarti. Do. by Govinda Das. Do. by Paracurama. Usaharana by Pitambar Sen. Do. by Crikantha Deva. Gajendra Moksana by Dwija Durga Prasad. Do. by /amana Bhiksu. Do. by Bhabani Das. Maniharana by Kamala Kantha. Vastraharana by Ramtanu Kaviratna. Gurudaksina by Vipra Raparam. Do. by Cyama Lal Datta. Do. by Ayodhyaram. Do by Cankaracharyya. Of the manuscripts of the above works, none was copied later than the eighteenth century ; and the composition of most them is no doubt to be referred to a much earlier period. (7) Translations of Chandi of Markandeya. We now come to another Sanskrit work held in high esteem as a sacred book. Numerous transla- 29 Markan- deya- Chandi and its contents,