Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/293

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| | IV.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 257 (9) In Chittagong, there is a spot pointed out as the site of the house of Kalukamar—the builder of a steel house for Laksmindara, and there is besides a tank in the place which bears the name of Chand Sadagara. We give here the story of Manasa Devi :—

It was ordained by the great god Civa that The story unless and until Chand Sadagar, the merchant- MAE king of Champaka Nagar, worshipped Manasa Devi, her claims to obtain puja amongst mortals would not be recognised. At first she tried by gentle persuasion to prevail Chand upon Chand Sadagar to worship her, but the hero বি of the pcems lent a deaf ear to her words. He carried in his hand a huge stick made of Azntal wood and with it he tried. several times, to assault the goddess. The god whom Chand worshipped was the great Civa. Could he brook the idea of offer- ing flowers at the feet of the deity who merely pre- sided over snakes? He hated her from the bottom of his heart and called her ill names. The wrath of the goddess of snakes knew no bounds at this defiant attitude. She determined to revenge herself by some means, fair or foul. Chand had made a beautiful garden outside the Guabari 5 cestroyed = ey city, which was called “ Guabari.’? He had spent many lakhs of rupees in making it an earthly para- dise. Now Manasa Devi commanded her retinue of serpents to destrov this fair garden by their venomous bites. They did so; and lo! this elysium 33