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He alms an arrow at her. A painted archer. Chandi appears in her own form. 306 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. found, however, that he could not shoot. His hands seemed to be controlled by a mysterious power. The arrow could not be released and both it and the bow became rigid in his hands. Phullarg came to his rescue, but could not take away either the bow or the arrow from her husband’s hands. Kalaketu stood like one, turned to stone, and for causes unknown to himself, tears fell from his eyes. He tried to speak but could not. He seemed to be fixed to the spot by a spell and stood, looking like a painted archer. Chandi said, “My son, [am Chandi. I have come to help you in your poverty. You will worship me on the third day of every week. Only place my ghat in your home and there will be no end to your pros- perity. | Kalaketu, now restored to speech, said ‘ Par- don me, but how can I believe you to be Chandi? My whole life has been spent in wickedness. I have killed numberless animals—in fact killing is my avocation. You probably know some spell by which you have overpowered me. If you are really Chandi then mercifully show yourself to me, O Divine Mother, in that form in which you are worshipped by the world.” In a moment the figure of the damsel grew in size. The crown on her head seemed to touch the starry regions of the sky, and her ten arms holding the lotus, the discus, the triand, and other weapons were extended outwards in the ten directions. Her gracious face, full of majesty and glory, smiled on him with motherly love.- Her apparel bedecked with jewels, fluttered in the evening breeze. -One- of