Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/345

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IV.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 309 who had condescended to visit his cottage when he was a huntsman. She came again and held out her gracious hand offering him her benediction. That night a terrible dream was dreamt by the king of Kalinga that his army was destroyed mysteriously by some unseen agency. He was so impressed that next day he restored Kalaketu to his kingdom, and Restored his own army was restored to life by the grace of to his / kingdom. Chandi. Bbagru Datta was turned out from both the 5 kingdoms and the two kings became fast friends. punished. Shortly after this, Kalaketu died and went to heaven, as Nilamvara, son of Indra the period of the curse having expired. Phullara who had been Chhaya, Nilambara’s wife and had been born as the he oe daughter of Sanjayaketu with the object of sharing over. the misfortunes of her husband, accompanied him to heaven, on the expiration of her self-imposed term of life on earth.. Puspaketu, son of Kalaketu and Phullara, then Puspaketu ] I ds. became the King of Guzrat. succeeds We now pass to the second of these two compa- nion-stories, which, although different, always form a single volume: The Story of Grimanta Sadagar. Ratnamala, a nymph of Indra’s heaven was, Khullana. under a curse, born on earth as Khullana. The merchant Dhanapati was in the full vigour of his youth. He was a well built man of hand- some features, well-versed in the fashionable learn- pnddapsel ing of the day and immensely rich. He hada wife and his favourite named Lahang. play.