Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/369

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IV. ] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE! 333 cious Heaven has at last granted my prayers. But how it pains me to see you in this condition!” Dhanapati would by no means agree to worship Dhanapati Chandi, but Grimanta’s entreaties became irresist- গা andi. ible and eventually he yielded to them. As soon as he offered a flower to the cup of Chandi, his diseases—the cataract in his eyes and the elephanti- asis in his foot, were cured, and he became once more prince-like and full of the glory of vigorous manhood. King Calivahana came with a hundred excuses The happy and entertained the father and the son with all ain manner of courtesy. Crimanta sailed homewards with Cucila the princess, whom he had married, and with immense riches and a good number of ships that he had received as a dowry, together with the riches and ships of his father, returned by the king with interest. In due time he reached Ujani. There king Vikramkegari of Ujani also gave Crimanta his own daughter in marriage. So with two wives he lived in happiness and _pros- perity, and Khullana’s happiness knew no bounds at having her dear lord back. They all lived many years in enjoyment of all kinds of earthly fortune, and zealously did they worship Chandi whose grace had given them prosperity and happiness. In due time Khullana, who, as has been already said, Was a nymph of Indra’s heaven, and Crimanta who was the Gandharvya named Maladhar, both born on earth under a curse—came to the end of their earthly careers. They then ascended into heaven, and the worship of Chandi spread in the country.

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