Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/396

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360 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap the middle of the seventeenth century. In locali- ties where the poem of Mukundarama was yet unknown, works on Chandi of lesser poetical merit were admired and Bhabanigankar enjoyed a short- lived popularity in Chittagong in the latter half of the 17th century. Sue 11. The next রর was Jaynarayana Sen—a ; yana Sen. Vaidya who wrote his poem about the year 1763. Jaynarayana was relative of the far-famed Raja ? Rajballava of Vikrampur and was an eminent poet. ; He belonged to an age when the Bengali language : had grown highly Sanskritised and Bengali poets — took great pride in displaying the wealth of Sanskrit metres in Bengali. Though in the delinea- | tion of characters, conception of plot and in pathos, Jaynarayana is assuredly no match for Mukunda- rama, yet living as he did directly in the midst of court-influence where a high flown classical taste predominated and in an age when word painting and artistic modes of expression were the craze of the poets, Jaynarayana shews a commendable skill in bringing into his poem a ereat variety of metres taken from Sanskrit models. Here is a passage in which our poet describes the attempts of Kamadeva (the god of | love) to conquer the great god Civa. Kama- * “ Kamadeva made himself ready to march on . deva’s শা Bee 82৭ aie TI an expedition of conquest against Clva. 76 attempt he ot | 2 5 ¢ 4: toconquer humming of the bees was his war-drum. The new Civa. _ 4

  • মহেশ করিতে জয় বৃতি-পতি সাজিিল।

দ্রামাম। জমর রব সঘনে বাজিল। নবকিশলয়েনে পতাকা দশাদশেতে । উড়িল কোকিল সেনা সব চাবি পাশেনে।