Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/409

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V.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITEKATURE. 373 | neck; take it and ‘give it to my poor mother ;—this 'ring is my last token, give it, please, to my wife | Mayura, and say to her ‘ you have become a widow’; commend her to my mother’s care and tell my | mother that I die an untimely death, leaving my poor wife in her charge. Here are my father’s sword and shield. My golden chain I leave to Suka, tell him that dauntlessly fighting I killed a host of enemies, and die at last in the open field. Here are my ear-rings, O Cingadar—accept them, my brother, as my last gift and here my quiver full of arrows, which, please, distribute amongst my comrades.’ At these words both brothers wept, and the dying man spoke, again ‘tell my parents to bless me and forgive my faults, and offer my dying respect at their feet. How sorrowful am I that I could not see them agaln in life. Prematurely has their unfortunate son to bid them his last adue. My heart is pierced শুনি শোকে শিকঙ্গাদার, চক্ষে বহে জলধার, বহে লোহ্্‌ শাকার নয়নে । কেন্দে কহে পুনব্বার, অপরাধ অভাগার খণ্ডাইতে মা বাপের পায় প্রথতি অসংখ্য বার, দেখা নাহি হর্চলা আর অল্পকালে অতাগ৷ বিদায় । মরমে রহিল শেল, হেন জন্ম বৃথা গেল মুখে না বলিনু রাম নাম। ব্রাহ্মণ বৈষ্ণব দেবা, জনক জননী সেবা, না করিনু বিধি হইল বাম ॥” From Dharma Mangal, by Ghanaram, Canto., XXII,