Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/424

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  • One the Raja wore round the loins tucking —

the ends tightly between the legs. Of 006. other he made a turban, and with the third he covered his body.”—In Manik Chandra Rajar Gan we found Nenga brother of Raja Manik Chandra ~ asking him to take his turban off as his mother — was dead. The ladies of Bengal used to wear a bodice called Kanchuli like the up-country women of today. We meet with description of © the Kanchuli in almost all our writers from Vijay Gupta downward. The custom lingered even up to the time of Raja Krisna Chandra of Nadia in the eighteenth century. We quote from the Bengali work called Ksitig¢a Vamgavali Charitat “The queen (of Krisna Chandra) and the ladies of the royal family used to wear silk Cadis but during festivities and on important religious occasions they put on the Kanchuli (bodice), Ghagra (a sort of gown worn by up-country women), and Odna as the ladies of the North-western countries do.” A description of this Odna is to be found in many of the old Bengali poems; for instance in a pada by Vamgivadana we have the following

  • একখানি কাছিয়া পিন্ধে, একখানি মাথায় বাধে,

আর একখানি দিল সব্ব গায়। Vijay Gupta. 1 রাজ্ঞী ও রাজবধূ এবং রাজকন্ঠার। কার্পাস বা কৌশেয় সাটা পরিতেন | কিন্তু প্রায় সমস্ত শুভ কন্ম্মোপলক্ষে পশ্চিমোত্তর দেশীয় সম্তান্ত মহিলাগণের স্টায় কীচুলি, ঘাঘরা ও ওড়ণ। পরিতেন । p. 35. 1 “নীল ওড়ণার মাঝে মুখ শোভা করে। পাইলে ছাড়িবে নাহি দারুণ ভ্রমবে ॥%