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A mother’s fears. A wild boy. 416 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [Chap

rupa’s marriage. But what a _ disappointmen when Bey found that the bird had flown! They and renounced the world forever. In what cave of the mountains, in what holy shrine or in what. recess of the forests where the Indian Pine and Fir trees raise their heads to touch the skies, the young Sannyasin roamed for the rest of his life has remained a mystery up to now. The parents were struck dumb with sorrow, andthere remained — to them their Nemai alone—the last ray of light to dispel the gloom of their house. Jagannath Micra a man of strong character and of a spiritual bent of mind, bore this mis-_ fortune patiently; but Cachi Devi watched over Nemai with an anxious mother’s care, always afraid lest he also would leave home and throw her into — depths of misery. At last this fear became a mania with her. ‘“ Since study makes a man realise the transitoriness of the world, let not my Nemai_ be sent to school. [I would much prefer that he™ Thus | should remain at home and be a dunce.” did Cachi Devi argue with her h usband. But the lad was as yet only five years old, This _ was the age when Hindu parents sent their boy to school. Jagannath Migra, however, could ne do so with Nemai owing to €achi Devi's objections. Nemai grew up a wild boy. He mixed with | the bad boys of the village and carried on little depredations in the neighbouring houses and 017 chards in their company. The pious Brahmins after their bath, used to close their eyes in prayerful attitude before small figures of gods on the i;