Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/465

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.] ৪59811৮9080 & LITERATURE. —-429 sometimes he would wash the clothes of others and perform acts of menial service, which as a Brahmin be should not have done; and if people objected to being served by him, he would say “forbear, Friends! Do not, I beg of you, prevent me! While I serve you, Isee God. These little acts are holy to me.” Sometimes he would chant the name of God for hours together, and as he sang, his eyes would become full of tears. The whole day long he would recite and sing the name of Krisna in pro- found devotion, till the people of Navadwipa could no longer resist his influence. When he spoke of God and his relation to man, they thronged in thousands to hear him. He preached, for instance Seenove:. “What”, he said, “is love?. Is it that attraction by which man and woman are drawn to one another? I say it is not so. Only when in your eyes man and woman appear the same and 10555 all it charms, only then can true love come’—and again, “Be like a tree. The tree gives shade even to him who cuts its boughs. It asks no water of any one, though it be withering away for want of it. Rain and storm and the burning rays of the sun it suffers, but gives sweet- scented flowers and delicious fruits to others. Patiently serve others even as a tree and let this be your motto.” The words that fell from his lips appeared inspired; they went to the hearts of the men and women who thronged to lear him. But he invariably finished speak- ing, chanting the name of Krisna,—the music of which with its deep pathos made all weep forthe love of God. Multitudes were attracted The effect of his faith and prea- chings.