Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/483

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‘V.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. = 447 _ in his immediate follower—from worldly cosidera- tions—and much less any for the glorification of his own personality. Govinda Das was a blacksmith by caste. “I used,” he writes, ‘‘to make weapons, ladles and tongs; my mother’s name is Madhavi; my wife Cagimukhi quarrelled with me and called me an illiterate fool. Feeling greatly, insulted I left home one morning.’’* It was in the year 1508 that Govinda Das, in- dignant at his wife’s conduct, left Kanchannagar,— his native village in Burdwan. He heard on the way that a great saint had appeared in Navadwipa and conceived a strong desire to see him; he came to Navadwipa at noon time, and met Chaitanya Deva in the company of his friends, bathing in the Ganges. The sight charmed him, he writes :t— ‘With him there was an ascetic (Nityananda) whose face seemed to be lit up with true spiritual fire. Next there came Advaita Gosvami; never have I seen a face so full of wisdom; his beard and hair were hoary with age, giving him a _ vener- able look ; his flowing beard fell below his breast.

₹* “অস্ত্র হাত! বেড়ি গড়ি জাতিতে কামার । মাধবী নামেতে হয় জননী আমার ॥ আমার নারীর নাম শশীমুখী হয়। একদিন ঝগড়া করি মোরে কটু কয়। নিগুন মুখ বলি গালি দ্দিল মোরে । সেই অপমানে গুহ ছাড়িলাম ভোরে ॥"' Kadcha. 1 “সঙ্গে এক অবধৃত প্রসন্ন বদন ॥ অবশেষে আইল তথি অদ্বৈত গোসাই । এমন তেজস্মী মুই কভু দেখি নাই ॥ প্র কেশ পক্ক দাড়ি বড় মোহনিঘ্া । Govinda quarrels with his wife and leaves home. Meets Chaitanya.