Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/494

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458 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. spread quickly all over the country, and Govinda Das gives an interesting and animated description of how the musicians Laksman and Valaram Das who sounded the horn called Ram Cinga in the procession, together with Giri Puri, Narayan Tirtha | and other great scholars speedily appeared on the scene to pay their respects to their beloved master. Raja Pratap Rudra used to visit the procession every day and when Chaitanya marched with it, — the King followed him on foot, with the humility and respects of a disciple. On the 3rd of Magha Chaitanya came back to Puri, and Govinda Das finishes his diary here. A word is now necessary about Govinda Das and his literary powers. Shortly after he had left — home in a fit of anger he met again with his wife. aoe Chaitanya Deva came to Burdwan on his way to | a - : g : : - his wife. Puri, Govinda being with him; and here the inter- view took place.

  • “ Knowing somehow or other that I had come

to Burdwan, she hastened to meet me. Tears were flowing from her eyes, while she fell at my feet ~ saying ‘O come back and let us go home together.

  • এই কথা বলিতে বলিতে মোবু নারী ।

কেমনে শুনিয়া তথা আইল। ত্বরা করি ॥ দর দর পড়িতেছে অশ্র ছুনয়নে । পড়িল আছাড় থেয়ে আমার চরণে ॥ Bar ate বলিতে লাগিল! এই বাত। ৃ ফিরে চল গুহে মুই যাই তব সাত ॥ সামান্ত কথায় তুমি সংসার তেজিলে। রি] দাসীর উপায় তবে বল কি করিলে ॥