Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/512

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476 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. | | all expert archers. The Emperor believed in this prophecy and he ordered a general devastation of Navadwipa. Vasudeva Sarvabhouma, son of Vigarada, with his family, removed to Orissa, leav- ing Bengal. The king of Utkala was then the illustrious Prataprudra, famous for his valour in war. He worshipped the great scholar of Navadwipa, presenting him with a golden throne. The brother of Sarvabhouma was Vidyavachaspati, who remained in Gour and their father Vicarada proceeded to Benares, where he settled.” It is further related that the Emperor was after- wards convinced that the Brahmins of Navadwipa were innocent. He became remorseful and not only stopped all oppression but ordered the Hindu temples that were damaged, to be repaired. From this time forward he was kind ‘towards the Hindus. We have got references also in Chaitanya- charitamrita to Hossain Shah’s oppression 01 the Hindus of Navadwipa and other places in the

নবদীপে ব্রাঙ্গণ অবশ্য হবে রাজা। গন্ধব্ব লিখন আছে ধনুম্ময় প্রজা ॥ এই মিথ্য। কথা রাজার মনেতে লাগিল । নদীয়৷ উচ্ছনন কর রাজা আজ্ঞ। দিল ॥ বিশারদ স্থুত সাব্বভৌম VIG | স্বয়ং উৎকলে গেল ছাড়ি গোৌঁড় রাজ্য ॥ উৎকলে প্রতাপরুদ্র ধনুম্ময় রাজ। | বত্র সিংহাসনে সাব্বভৌমে কৈল প্রজা ॥ তার ভ্রাত৷ বিদ্যাবাচস্পতি গোৌড়বাসী । বিশারদ নিবাস করিল! বারাণসী ॥"' Jayananda’s Chaitanya Mangala.