Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/517

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.,] | BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 481 vith which he assimilated and shaped all that came ‘The vast

a scholar-

into his hands. I give in the foot notes the names _ ghip dis- of the Sanskrit works* to which reference is made চি by in the celebrated pages of Chaitanya Charita- author. mrita (lit., the nectar of the life of Chaitanya), as his great work is called. It is a monument of ndustry and scholarship and of the devotional features that characterise Vaisnavism. Upto now Defects of no other Bengali work of such patient and varied ate scholarship has been produced. But the language of the book displays an uncouth admixture of the dialect of lower Bengal with that of the upper Provinces. The author had long left his native and, and his own language had grown to be a urious medley of Hindi and Bengali. His_ pro- ound scholarship in Sanskrit besides made him mport high sounding Sanskrit words into the nixed language used in his work, and a student 9f Bengali must admit that such importation did

  • t. Cakuntala. 16. Vicva Prakaca.

2. Adipurana. 17. Vrihat Gautamiya Tantra. 3. Ujjvala Nilmani. 18. Amarkosa. 4. Kavya Prakaca. 19. Uttarcharita. 5. Krisna Sandarva. 20. Ekadasitatta. 6. Krama Sandarva. 21. Krinsakarnamrita. 7. Gita Govinda. 22. Kurmapurana. 8. Chaitany Chandrodaya 23. Gadura Purana. Natak. 24. Gautamiya Tantra. _ g. Jagannath Vallava 25. Nanrad Pancharatra. | Natak. 26. Nrinsiha Purana. | 10. Dankeli Kaumudi. 27. Panchadasi. | 11. Natak Chandrika. 28. Panini Sutra. 12. Padmavaili. 29. Baraha Purana. | 13. Padmapuran. 30. Vidagda Madhava. 14. Govindlailamrita. 31. Vira Charita. 1 | 15. Visnu Purana. 61 ৮. স্পা