Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/524

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488 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap, enquiries as to what was being carried in the cart. The guard said ‘‘it was treasure’; for indeed in their eyes these valuable works were a treasure. The news was carried to Raja Vir Hamvira of Vanavisnupur by the spy as the enquirer was. The Raja had a strong party of robbers under him who carried on depredations in the neighbouring countries. In the night they beat the guards, and looted the cart and disappeared. Crinivas, in whose charge the valuable MSS. were, sorely dismayed at this event, instantly sent a messenger to Vrindavan with the news. No copies of the MSS. were left there, and this meant the loss of the labours of the renowned scholars of so many years. The death of Krisna Das is thus described in a work named Vivarta ৬1185:

  • « The news reached Raghunathand Krisna Das

and both of them fell to the ground and began to lament aloud. Old and infirm Krisna Das could not stand the shock; he could not rise from the ground and while in this condition passed away in great sorrow.” The work was subsequently recovered, however, and now enjoys the highest popularity in the Vaisnava community. Pity that its learned author met so tragic a death, in his despair of its being . 7 “ রঘুনাথ কবিরাজ্জ শুনিল! ছুজনে । আছাড় খাইয়। কান্দে লুটাইয়! ভূমে ॥ বৃদ্ধকালে কবিরাজ না পারে উঠিতে। অন্ত ধান করিলেন ছুঃখের সহিতে ॥" Vaivarta Vilas.