Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/528

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492 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. inert while her eyes shed tears. She held his feet with her hands and silently wept in spite of the questions of her lord. Chaitanya, who knew the tender ways of love, wiped her eyes with the edge of his dhuti and began to speak kind and sweet words to 191 —words which would make even astone to blossom, | softly in a voice choked with tears ‘O Lord of my ৪ and which naturally appealed to an emotional nature. As Chaitanya Deva seemed so solicitious, Visnu Priya with her face beautiful like the moon, said soul, place your dear hand on my head and say if it | is true that you will become a Sannyasin. When I : hear of it, my heart is likely to break for pain. I shall enter the fire, O my Lord, if the report is true. This my life, my youth, my dress, my ornaments— all I prize for your sake. If you forsake me why should I bear this wretched life! My heart burns as with a firy poison when I hear this report. Who is

wera wits aid, দেহে নাহি সন্িধান, নয়নে ঝরয়ে মাত্র পানি। AS ARPA SICA, কহে বিষুওপ্রিয়। স্থানে, অঙ্গবাসে বদন মুছিয়। ॥ নানা রূপে কথা ভাব, কহিয়৷ বাড়ায় ভাব, যে কথায় পাষাণ মুগ্জরে | ASA Wasi দেখি, বিষুপ্রিয়া Brera, az fag ta 14 zt A শুন শুন প্রাণনাথ, মোর শিরে দেহ হাত,

সন্যাস করিবে নাকি তুমি। 

লোক মুখে শুনি ইহা, বিদ্ররিয়! যায় হিয়া, আগুণেতে গুবেশিব আমি ॥.