Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/532

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Biogra- phies of Advaita- charyya. 496 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. in praise of Nityananda. In one, which is very familiar, we have the following two lines which embody briefly the main traits of his character.

  • “Without anger without pride, and ever

content,—he moves about the city.” The name of Advaitacharyya was Kamalakar Chakravarti—Advaitacharyya being his title, which indicates that he was a sound scholar in the | Vedanta Philosophy. We find this line about him _ in the Kadcha by Govinda Das :— |

Tt “—A very handsome person. His flowing hair — |

and beard are grey with age. His long beard falls ? down to the breast.” : Advaita married Sita Devi, a lady famous for ; her great piety. We have secured the following 1 | works on his life. 4 r (1) The early life of Advaitacharyya or the Valya Lila Sutra by Krisna Das of Louda in Sylhet. ' | The author was a contemporary of Advaitacharyya. — (2) Advait Mangal by Cyam Das. This work was written about a century after Advaitacharyya’s~ death. ES % « অক্রোধ পরমানন্দ নিত্যানন্দ রায়। অভিমান শূন্য নীতই নগরে বেড়ায় ॥" An old song. 1 “পক কেশ পক্ষ দ্বাড়ি বড় মোহনিয়া । দাড়ি পড়িয়াছে তার হৃদয় ছাড়িয়া ॥' Kadcha by Govinda Das. } 4 রী 5 i