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514 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. nanda and took a zealous interest in the propagation of the Vaisnava-cult in Orissa. The author was a contemporary of the subject of his memoir. This work is important, as it throws light on the history of Orissa of that period. It describes how Raja ‘ g e . $ 4 না ও a রং 7 নদ Vaidyanath Bhanja (of Mayur Bhanja) was con- verted to the Vaisnava faith and also gives an account of the great Vaisnava festivals that took place in the villages of Verakuliand Alamaganja in the district of Midnapur. Mano- Mana Santosiniby Jagajivana Micra. The author santosini, was a descendent, by another line, of Upendra Migra, an ancestor of Chaitanya Deva. The work gives a description of Chaitanya’s travels in Sylhet and other parts of Eastern Bengal. And other Besides these works we have come across a টা Chaitanya Charita by Chudamani Das, Nimai Sanyasa_ by Cankara Bhatta, Sita Charita by Lokanatha Das, Mahaprasada Vaibhava, Chaitanya ganoddega, Vaisnavachara Darpana and other works which describe incidents in the lives of Vaishnava worthies. Theological We shall here briefly notice some of the works works of . i. : 2

which are of a more or less theological character

the Vaisna- Which ar f a more or | 2 vas, in which the principles of Vaisnavism are ex- plained as it found favour in Bengal. On page 46 we mentioned a number of books written by the Sahajiya Vaisnavas. I give below a list of other works on Vaishnava theology. Most of the impor- tant theological works of the Vaisnavas are writ- ten in Sanskrit. So they do not fall within the scope of my subject. The books mentioned below, writ-

ten in Bengali, are generally small treatises and at. ৯ oy