Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/561

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উস ড.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 525 Then comes the Uttara-gostha or return home of The Uttara Gostha or “return shades of evening cover the Vrinda groves ;—the home.” the shepkerds. The mother is anxious. ‘The last ray of light disappears from the western horizon and the poor Yacoda is restless. She goes into her appartments to learn the time and comes out looking wistfully towards the woods. Afraid of Kamsa’s emissaries or of other accidents 10619111105 her beloved Krisna, she describes to her companion and relative Rohini her anxious fears. She knows that her voice will not be heard, yet calls aloud ‘Krishna, Krisna, Krishna ;) and when her anguish is at its deepest, lo! the horn sounds, or the lowing of the cows Is heard, andshe runs out to meet her son. Krisna, with sportive steps amongst his gay com- panions with the crown of peacock feathers bent a little to the left and the garland of forest flowers hanging round his neck,—his face marked with beautiful a/aka and ¢ti/aka,—comes running to the embrace of his doting mother. This is the Uttara gostha. But these incidents also, comparatively speaking, Padas on form a very minor portion of the literature of the চা padas, the greater part of them being devoted to হি adha. Krisna’s amours with Radha. Radha is the daughter of the king Vrisa Bhanu. When she was born she did not open her eyes, and people thought she was blind. Amongst others Krisna as a boy went to see the new-born child. But when he stood beside her, she opened her eyes, so that before seeing anything of the world she might see him—-the lord of the universe, unto whom she was pledged in love from birth. In due time she was married to Ayana Ghosa.