Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/568

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530 BENGALI LANGAUGE & LITERATURE.. [ Chap, | Forthwith he ran to his companions and sowed the pearl. Lo, the plants grew and in a few moments they were rich with their precious burden. The bank of the Jumnga—its groves and bowers— all looked as if they were set on fire,—the pearls ~ reflecting the light of the sun. The shepherds } plucked them as fast as they could, made necklaces of them, put them round their own necks in _ pro- fusion and hung them on the cows. In the mean- time a maid of Radha had come to the Jumng@ to fetch water, when her eyes were dazzled by,the wonderful scene. She hid herself behind a tree, and stealthily saw all that the shepherds did with the pearls. She hastened home and reported the matter to Radha, who now felt remorse for her conduct. She sent one of her maids to sound Krisna as to how he would treat her. But the shepherds sent her away with rough words. Radha herself hastened in the evening to the spot: but the pearl-groves had disappeared and she saw a strange city looking like a second heaven on the banks of the Jumna. There were celestial maidens with golden rods in hand guarding the gate of the city, and each maiden was as beautiful as herself and decorated with jewels and ornaments such as no earthly princess wore. She asked one of them if she knew where her Krisha was. The damsel replied in contempt,— ‘What! You want Krishna! You could never reach his palace, it isthe highest in heaven. You will pass many a city like this before you reach his palace; but the guards will not allow you to enter.’ And poor Radha in deep anguish of heart passed on from palace to palace,—all displaying wonderful wealth, their spires and domes resplendent with