Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/586

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§48 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. beautiful feet of Krishna. Let it be melted into the water of the tank where Krishna bathes. When I shall have expired, let my spirit live as the lustre of the mirror in which Krisna sees his face. O, let it be turned into a gentle breeze for the fan with which he cools himself. Wherever Krisna moves like a new-born cloud, may I become the sky behind, to form the back-ground of his beauti- ful form.”

  • “He for whose sake the reproofs of the elders #

and the slanderous tongues of the wicked were nothing to me ;—he for whom I loved all the ills of life as if they were good fortune,—and for whom I broke my sacred maidenhood, foregoing the law observed by wedded wives,—strange, passing strange it is, that he wants to forsake me! How hard is this to believe ! He who would leave his palace of pearls in expectation of meeting me and pass the whole night on thorny briers looking wistfully towards my path and he for whom timid damsel that Iam, I would walk on dark nights so যে দরপণে পু নিজ মুখ চাহ । মঝু অঙ্গ জ্যোতি হোই তথি মাহ ॥ cH বীজনে পু বীজই গাত। মু অঙ্গ তাহি হোই মৃছু বাত ॥ ধাহ। পঁছ ভরমই জলধর শ্যাম । মঝু অঙ্গ গগন হোই তছু ঠাম॥? Kage লাগি, গুরুগঞ্জনে মন বঞ্জনু, ছুরজন কিয়ে নাহি কেল। যাহক লাগি, কুলবতী বরত সমাপল, লাঙ্জে তিলাঞ্জলি দেল ॥ সজনি জাননু কঠিন্ু কঠিন পরাণ । ব্রজপুর পরিহরি যাওব সো হরি শুনইতে নাহি বাহিরান ॥