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Champati Ray. Daivaki- nandana. Narasinha Deva. Vira Ham- ৬112. Madhavi, 556 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. Champati Ray—a famous Padakarté. We find the following line about him in the Sanskrit notes affixed to the Padamrita Samudra by Radha mohan Thakura.

  • « There lived in Southern Indiaa great follower

of Chaitanya by the name of Champati. He is this হু )) famous Padakarta. Daivakinandana, a contemporary of Chaitanya Deva and author of Vaisnava Vandana. Narasinba Deva—Raja of Pakva Palli whose efforts to vanquisn Narottama Thakur in a_ contro- versial discussion culminated in complete failure and his own acceptance of the creed of the Vaisna- vas. The Raja wrote several padas ol great beauty. Raja Vir Hamvira of Vishupur to whom a re- ference has already been made, composed many padas some of which we find in the Bhaktiratnakara by Narahari Chakravarti. Madhavi—a sister of Cikhi Mghiti and a con- temporary of Chaitanya wrote padas under the name of Madhavi Das. She was renowned for her piety and purity of life. This is, briefly, an account of only a few of the great masters of songs who followed Chaitanya Deva. A brief notice of some more Padakartgs is to be found in my Bengali work ‘ Vangabhasa O Sahitya,’ in the Bengali Encyclopedia—the Vicva Kosa and in the collection of songs in praise of Chaitanya

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  • “চম্পতি নাম দ্রাক্ষিণাতা-শ্রী কষ্ণ-চৈত্তন্া-ভক্তরাজঃ

কশ্চিৎ আসীং স এব গীতকতী |” Padamrita Samudra.