Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/681

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VI.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 641 The inner apartments of a Raja’s house are _ A sight of eternally shut against all out-siders ; but through the 1 shutters of her window, Vidya saw Sundara, who was brought by Hira to a convenient place that they might have a sight of each other. It should be stated here that Vidya's learned discussion with those who courted her hand were always, following the custom of Hindus in such cases, managed behind the screen with the help of interpreters and in no case was a prince allowed to have even a peep at her. They saw each other and fell in love. How could an interview be effected? It was im- possible to attempt anything like it on the face of the guards —those eunuchs who kept a strict and vigilant watch at the palace gate. Sundara disguls- ed himself as a Sannyasin, wore matted locks and a false beard and covered his face with ashes and saw Raja Vira Sinha. To the surprise of the Raja জি and his courtiers he declared his desire to enter sin. into a scholarly discussion with Vidya, and, if he succeeded in winning the game, to take her for his wife. A strange story from the lips of an ascetic! Such a challenge would only be entitled to credence and approval if a prince were the suitor. But as Vidya had promised that any man was welcome to accept the challenge irrespective of age and social status, the false Sadhu insisted on being ushered behind the screen to have a discourse with her in various branches of learning and win her for his bride. The maids of Vidya humourously asked her to match her powers with his andif she should prove the weaker of the two, to court the lot of an ascetic’s wife and wonder with him bare-footed, 81