Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/686

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646 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. to enter the royal zenana and perpetrate such a heinous crime under the king’s nose, what safety was there for the life and property of the poor people living in his dominion ? The Raja convened his court immediately. The chief officer of police came trembling before the enraged chief, and Vira Sinha after relating the story said, ‘ You base-born fellow, there will be one grave dug into which you and your children wiil The poli ; pee ae এত be thrown if you cannot detect the thief.’ The danger. officer with folded palms asked for seven days to make an enquiry and find out the thief. The Raja granted him the time saying, if on the expiry of seven days, the thief should not be brought to his presence, the officer would lose his head and his children would all be killed.

The police officer commenced operations of a thorough inspection of the palace. Vidya was made to leave her apartment, and the police people flocked to see through what passage a_ thief might enter the house inspite of such a strong body of guards. It tookthem no timegto discover the hole—the passage made by Sundara. They entered the hole but came back feeling as if the vaults of hell were open,—there was no passage of light or air, the gloom that pervaded it over awed them and choked them. The bravest of them repeated his attempts several times and as many times came back apprehending the ap- proach of a venomous snake or some _ devil. Dhumaketu, the Inspector, pronounced it to bea hole made bya serpent and Yamaketu, another officer of the staff, said that it must have been