Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/695

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_ * All praise be to the Lord of gods Civa,—the saviour of the world. Many salutations do I offer to thy lotus feet. The stream of the Ganges adorns thy locks,—the moon is thy crown ;—garlands of flowers and snakes coiled into the form of wreaths adorn thy neck and soft curls of hair hang Jooze and touch thy ears. Thy three eyes though half shut gleam fiercely, and the lustre of thy body is like unto a silyer mountain. O Thou, the des- troyer of the enemies of the gods and of the god - of love,—Thou Prince of ascetics, regaling thy- self in the joy of Yoga, thou Lord of Gouri—thy humble votary pays his worship unto thee.” Govinda Das was of a religious turn of mind and often his reflections are worthy of one versed in Vedanta philosophy. Here are a few lines :— + “ As one sees the reflection of himself in a mirror, so is Kali reflected in the universe. All emanate from her and pass into her, just as the waters of the sea rising to the sky fill the. streams and rivers with rain and flow back to the sea.” 655

  • জয় দেবনাথ জগত তারণ চরণ সরোরুহে বহু মিনতি।

স্থুর নদীচন্দ্রিম মুকুট মাল ভূষণ ফণিমাল কুস্তল যোহেশ্রুতি ॥ টলমল ত্রিনয়ন জাল আধমিলন রক্ত ধরাধর অঙ্গছ্যুতি। সুররিপু ত্রিপুরহরদাহন অবহেলন সীমবরণ শিবযোগপতি ॥ বিলদতি যোগতভোগ ভববাসন দরীনশরণ জয় গৌরীপতি ॥ Kalika Mangala by Govinda Das. + aifsfey cafe যেন দরপণ তারা সংসারের যত দেখ সেইত শরীরা ॥ সম্দ্রের জল CAA AT AM] STH সেই জল পুনরপি মিশায় সাগরে ॥ Kalika Mangala by Govinda Das. Vedantic ideas,