Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/704

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664 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. young aspirant for a holy life to the village Sarada where his wife lived. The Vrinda groves with the vision of God, that had inspired the poet, melted away like mist from his imagination, and in the In the Company village of Sarada he found a metal more attractive ৬ OLMIS WC here the spent some time in the company of his young wife. Our poet next came to Farasdanga where a zemindar named Indra Narayana Chaudhari took some interest in him and introduced him to Raja Introduced সর ,ঃ এ 3১. eich Krisna Chandra of Navadwipa. This Raja, who, Chandra. as already said, was a great patron of letters, dis- covered in the young man poetical talents of an extraordinary order and immediately appointed him as his court-poet on a pay of Rs. 40 a month.* The clouds that had gathered over his fortune, now passed away and he met with sunny days. His Annada Mangala was composed by the command of eran att Raja Krisna Chandra. The book was completed 1752. in1752 A.D. About this time he built a new home at Mulajore—a village which was shortly after leased by Raja Krisna Chandra to one Rama Deva Naga. This man was very exacting and our poet was sore troubled by his growing demands. He wrote 8 couplets in Sanskrit describing the oppression of:Rama Deva Naga, the naive humour শর ২ of which so greatly pleased the Raja that he grant- gnas : ৯ land. ed to his favourite poet 105 d:ghas of rent-free land at Gusta in Pergana Amalpur and 16 dighas more at Mulajore. Bharata Chandra died of dia- Death in : : 1760 A.D, betes in1760 A. D. three years after the English had won the battle of Plassey. He was decorated

  • It was not at al! meagre at the time, Warren Hastings’ pay

as a Member of Council being Rs, 300 a month in 1764,