Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/770

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728 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. side of Krishna, and smiled, and talked, how beautiful did she look! Krisna, lying on a bed of flowers, would seem to wear her on his bosom, as one wears a precious necklace. Alas, she, the beloved of Krisna, now lies in the dust! How fine, how peerless are herfeet that Krisha was never weary of praising, those feet that he would softly touch to paint with scarlet a/fa. When these tender feet would trip over the thorny paths of the forest to meet with Krisna, one could almost have wished to place her own bare bosom on the road, so that she might have stepped on it.” When the singers had sung this song, the master- singer would approach and draw the attention of the audience to the description. He would say— ‘Radha’s physical charms are not what the poet Theinter- -efers to. In all the points of this description, one pretation. may see that it is the love of Krisna that is des- cribed by the poet as constituting her beauty. Only when she was smiling and talking with Krisna, would she look charming in Chandra’s eyes, and not at any other time. Chandra regrets her তখন এইনা মুখে__মুখের কতই তেন শোভা হ'ত। 44. CATH SQA PWT, হৃদয়ে বাখত যায়, ববুর সে ধন আজ ধুলায় গড়াগড়ি যায় ॥ অতুল রাডুল কিব! চরণ হুখানি, মাল. পরা'ত বধু কতই বাখানি, এ কোমল চরণে যখন চলিত হাটিয়ে, বধুর দরশন লামি গো অনুরাগে, হেন বাঞ্। হোত থে পাতিয়ে দেই হিয়ে ॥"' Rai Unmadini by Krisna Kamala.