Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/807

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  • “The young wife has scarcely time to braid her

dishevelled hair. If per chance she spoils a curry, the mother-in-law and sister-in-law are furious with her. They say ‘What hast thou done? It takes one’s breath away to see the extent of your folly. mek Your mother could not teach you anything better young wife. than this? If we went without food for years, still we would not touch this curry. The beautiful face of the young wife, sweet and lovely as a full blown lotus, is drowned in tears ; her sorrows she can_ not express, and she bears those rebukes though her heart is bursting with 20101 This is a true picture of young wife ; peculiarly placed as she is in Hindu society, she must suffer all the ills of life patiently without a word, till she grows to be herself the mother of chiidren, and has a chance to maltreat some other young wife placed in her charge, by way of retaliation. (6). On the widow marriage act, which had been passed, it will be remembered, in the teeth of the opposition of the orthodox community. [It should be borne in mind that Hindu widows are not allowed to wear shell-bracelets nor allowed to take fish or meat of any kind. |

    • সাবকাশ নাই মাত্র এলোচুল বাগে

ডাল ঝোল মাছ ভাত রাশি রাশি রশধে। কত থাকে তার কাচা, কত তার পুড়ে। সাধে রাধে পরমান্ন নলেনের গুড়ে। বধূর রন্ধনে যদি যায় তাহা একে । শ্বাশুড়ী ননদ কত কথা বেঁকে ॥ হ্যালো বউ কি করিলি দেখে মন চটে । এই রানা শিখেছিস মায়ের নিকটে ॥