Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/814

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772 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. and bringing to him all the ministering care of a guardian angel! The young wife looks through a window in the moonlight and sees her husband and his new bride happy together. Malanchamala —chaste, devoted and faithful to her husband, as fidelity itself, peeps through the lattices of the win- dow, and sees her husband in the arms of the princess; it was like Enoch Arden peeping into the room of Phillip and discovering Anne as his wife ; but our Malanchamala is no earthly woman ; she is heavenly in every sense of the word. She sings :— ‘Live in happiness, O Prince; live in happi- ness, O Princess. ‘Tf I am a chaste woman, my words will not be in vain. ‘Let your ancestors in heaven, O Prince, watch the candles that light up this chamber and preserve you from all ill. ‘May the children, that are born to your new wife, walk beneath royal umbrellas for fourteen generations to come ! “OQ Forests, O trees, O land, O waters, keep guard! Let me know when they awake, that | may steal away unseen by either. “ Let the towers of the palace, where my husband reigns, endure for ever. “Let the sun and the moon be as guards of his city. “May my royal father-in-law’s palace and the throne of my husband be victorious for ever.