Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/822

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780 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap, There are numerous small poetical treatises, written about a century ago, describing the flood Short of the Damodara and its devastating effects on the historical . treatises. villages of Birbhum; and on Babu Rajkumar Sen of Kirtipagaé who died of poison administered to him by Kigore Mahalanavis, his Dewan, and on various other subjects of minor importance. The poem on the flood of the Damodara was written by Napher Chandra Das in 1823. (6) Metaphysical and other works. 1. The Maya Timira Chandrika by Ramagati Sen, which I have already mentioned on page 682, ais is a work treating of the processes of Yoga. He Chandrika. begins the poem in the form of an allegory, much on the lines of the well known Sanskrit work Pra- bodha Chandrodaya Nataka. The poem begins as follows :—

  • « The mind goes in a fit of anger to the soul—

that Prince whose capital town 1s the body and whose palace is the heart; false vanity is his

  • " কোপে অতি শত্গতি মন চলি যায় ।

যথ। বসে নানা রসে সদা জীবরায় ॥ তনু যার সুবিস্তার দিব্য রাজধানী। হৃদি তারি রমাপুরী তথায় আপনি ॥ অহঙ্কার হয় যার মোহের কিরীটা। দপ্ভ-পাটে বৈসে ঠাঠে করি পরিপাটী॥ পঞ্ণচাপ উগ্রতাপ লোভ, অনিবার | তুই মিত্র সুচরির বান্ধব রাজার ॥