Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/830

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788 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chapi’ ing language the Raja, who was a pious man, jotted. down notes in verse of what he saw in the Holy City, a hundred years ago. He begins his descrip- tion of ‘the abode of Civa,’ as Kaci is called, with a few poetic lines in which its semicircular shape; as observed from the Ganges, is compared to the. eee ene moon on ne forehead of Civa.. He next gives a short notice of the bathing ghatas—the Par¢vnath ghata, the Asi ghata, the Vaidyanath ghata, the Narada Pande’s ghata and so on. There were then altogether 53 bathing ghatas at Benares and all of these are faithfully noticed. Though the notes are short, the writer makes them interesting by his witty remarks in many of them. He then pro- The ceeds to give a description of the Postas (embank- | এ ment), the chief amongst which is the Mirer Posta ; it is 120 ft. in height and 600 ft. in breadth. 11017 riedly taking a note of the great houses, some of which were seven stories high, he gives an account of the Dhararas or pinnacles. The pinnacle named Cri Madhava Rayer Dharara rises to a height of hara : div রাত 172 [t.; at 135 ft. there is a seat for visitors, from which a bird’s-eye view of the City of Benares may be taken. *' Like the cliffs of Mount Sumeru, it appears as if the Dharara might pierce the heavens.” At the time when the Raja lived at Benares, this Dharara was used by the desperate and unhappy as 10572 ৪ place for committing suicide. The Raja has suicide. given a list of the people who killed’ themselves during his time by throwing themselves down from

  • "' সুমেরুর ছুহ শুঙ্গ যেমত প্রকাশ ।

মনে লয় তার চুড়। ভেদিল আকাশ ॥