Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/845

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VI. |.) BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: 593 which explains to us the impression that the woes of Lila must once have made on the popular mind. Lila’s husband is described as having been an in- habitant of Nanda Patana in Sulluk. His father’s name was Gangadhara and his mother’s name Kala- vati. The works by Mahomedan writers noticed un- der the head ‘ Miscellaneous works’ have been Accent te mainly brought to light by the researches of Munsi See Abdul Karim, late Head Master of the Anwara Karim. School in Chittagong. We have not been able tu see these Mss., but brief notices of them have from time to time appeared in the Vangiya Sahitya Parisat Patrika from which our accounts are glean- ed. The Mss. may be traced with the help of Munshi Abdul Karim. Considering the fact that a large number of these Mss. is being destroyed every year by white ants, worms and fire, as they are generally preserved in wretched straw-built huts, immediate efforts should be made to re- cover them. Otherwise we may only rise to the consciousness of the necessity of preserving them when it will be already too late. The works mentioned above disclose plenty ol

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songs by Mahomedan writers on Radha and Krishna, writers of which show that the love songs of the Vaisnavas Radha- 5 Krisna Were appreciated beyond the pale of their own songs. society, and inspired even that race of /conoclasts who had once gloried in breaking up Hindu temples. The soil of India favours the growth of toleration and svmpathy in religion, and it is no wonder to find that those who came with the