Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/864

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822 BENGAL] LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. ‘They cited Kusum4njali as their authority and tried to establish the fact of the divine existence by various methods of argument. ‘In a discussion about words and topics, con- taining long compound words of which each would take half an hour to recite, the grammarians began to find fault with one another’s arguments, and made home-thrusts against their opponents, basing their discourses chiefly on the supplement by Gopinatha. ‘In another quarter sweet discourses on rhetoric

were going on. Their subject was figurative allu- sions and the suggestions they contained. They drew illustrations in support of their theories from the Kavya Prakaga. ‘There were fair fights on literary subjects also. The mediators were often called in to give their verdict in respect to the interpretations given by প্রমাণ কুস্ুমাঞ্জলি, নানা মতে বঙ্গ বলি, একে আর WHI HAF পদ পদার্থ বিচারেতে, এক দওও সমাসেতে, কার কত নিন্দিত ঘটাইয়া। বেয়াকরণিয়! সবে, বিচার ককশ রবে, গোপীনাথ পরিশি্ট লইয়া ॥ মধুর বাকোর বাণী, আলঙ্কার শুনি ধ্বনি, এক দ্িগে কাহছে রসেতে। ধবনি বাক্য কয়ে কয়ে, বাঞ্রনাদিক লয়ে, কাব্য প্রকাশ উদাহরণেতে ॥